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Photo Email

When an email marketing campaign has high amount of personalization, it tends to give better open and click through rates. Today an email has become a communication medium. Just like how we used to receive letters, emails have become valid and bona fide means of communication.

A hand written letter is the ultimate in personalization. Essentially when you get a letter, it is nice to see your name on it, and the same goes for an email. A person is more inclined to open/read a document/email, if he sees that it is addressed to him. Similarly it adds value to the sender since the reader feels that he has been taken seriously with a personalized email addressed to him exclusively. Commonly used personalization techniques are addressing the reader with his first name, designing the pitch with references to his previous choices, tastes and so on.

Recently, the best form of personalization has been attaching a photo of the receiver within the content. The surprise element itself is enough to create interest.

This concept works on various levels to generate brand recall and loyalty.

  • Makes the reader think of the amount of work put into creating the email.
  • Instantly creates a positive impression of the sender.
  • The reader while quoting the brand socially; will mention receiving emails with their photo in it, creating a buzz around the brand.

Photo email personalization ensures that the reader does not forget the brand for a longer period of time. This works very well when targeting top executives and B2B company prospects. Due to the scale of work required for B2C it is not a very suitable option, but even then, exclusive offers to privilege customers get photo emails.

Harnessing the power of personalization will do wonders for branding if it done correctly. Staying unique is essential for good business and such personalization techniques are the very best in unique marketing trends.

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